On Sunday morning we had breakfast with Jane at Kin, the new place in Lygon St near her home. Our host was very attentive and insisted (we needed no argument) we try their brioche with granita for dipping. I was inept at actually dipping, had to use a spoon, but the result was exceptional. The granitas were coffee, strawberry, and almond, and the first two had cream. I have to admit some primal kneejerk response came forth in my mind when this idea was first suggested (whoah! I wasn't ready for this!) but I adapted and was glad. I wish I had some now.
After this I went to the Essendon record fair. Made many purchases, largely in the interests of research. A lot of $1 and $2 LPs, a few 20c singles, etc. I scored a copy of Clive Dunn's 'Grandad' for my sister (who was grateful).
The Essendon record fair takes place in the Ukrainian Hall, which was obviously once a theatre, or maybe just a hall, though the balconies look theatrey. The difference in estimated value between certain artefacts is great, presumably due to intangibles (how 'good' a record is), tangibles (condition) and the mood of the vendor while pricing (yeah, some suckah will pay $100 for thissss!!!). Highly priced items include first Bee Gees LP; 1st Sunbury album on which half an LP side features SCRA doing 'Roly Poly' (of course I was tempted); Ariel's Rock n Roll Scars which I actually went back for but it appeared to have been purchased.
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