Saturday, April 21, 2007

42nd treat

So on my birthday what better event could possibly have been chosen than to go and see Keating the Musical. It was Fran's idea for which I thank her and Stephen. I don't recall ever having gone to see a musical before but I imagine usually they are not about Australian politics in the 1990s, which is probably why. It was hilarious and brilliant and, of course, sad. I guess if I have a critical criticism, it is that almost complete lack of dialogue meant that the story progressed a little jerkily, especially at the beginning of the second half. But on the whole I cannot fault it. The cast were sensational as were the band.


Then to I Carusi (always spell that wrong, this time probably no exception) for a surfeit of pizza and then home for some whiskey, side one of Mackenzie Theory's Bon Voyage which we all danced to, and a big stick of incense. So as you can imagine all in all a pretty fine time.

This morning I made pancakes that were very much like newspaper fried in oil. I hope I have not been cursed by a wicked witch.

Also earlier in the evening I had a brandy with Kathryn Clarke, always a pleasure, and I am fond of Kathryn too, and earlier in the day luncheon with my only father and one of my multitude of sisters, the one who deserves to have packets of sugar thrown at her and who is not going to class.


Kirsty said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great time. Saw a snippet of Keating the Musical while watching the Melbourne Comedy thing on the teev--you'd want the lyrics wouldn't you? Just to wallow in the turns of phrase.

ps Throw a sugar packet at your sister on behalf of me, I'm reading a glut of excreable essays from her kind right now. Make that two sugar packets.

Anonymous said...

I'm extraordinarily chuffed to appear as a label right next to "keating". (I'm turning a blind eye to "shitty pancakes".)

Meredith Jones said...

Happy late brifday David - you're ahead of me by 4 months.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know it was your birthday!
Happy Birthday!
I wish myspace had notified me.

d4 the toffee apple man

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