Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I notice that a few posts back, I finished with a 'Hmmm' which is so Alan Partridge I'm horrified with myself and ashamed, too. If you can't think of a good way to end, I seem to be saying, just trail off as though you were thoughtful all of a sudden. It is pretty poor form.

I have spent half an hour sending out a bunch of emails regarding a meeting on Thursday morning. I had to send each one individually because somehow strangely the previous attempts were thwarted by the presence of... well, I don't know what because I would send them out to one recipient with 7 or 8 CCs and I would get one error message back citing an email address I hadn't actually sent the message to, and as far as I could tell not one of the emails were actually sent. The emails took a disgustingly long time to send but I was able to read a lot of a large New Yorker article about Colonel Fawcett looking for the lost city of Z, so it wasn't all wasted time.

I don't know who to blame for the email fiasco however I am pretty sure I won't be blaming myself, though only because that goes against my nature, however I do find using 'however' a lot makes me feel generally better. Hmmm.


bls said...

i see, so your actual work is mouch more important than that manuscript you were supposed to be preparing for me. fine then, i guess i'll forget who you are then.

David Nichols said...

mouch more important, I am going to get onto that manuscript right after the postdoc application - this weekend probably

bls said...

yeah right. i think we talked about it when i was in san fran in june!

David Nichols said...

No sassing back thank you

bls said...


todd rundgren tonight

My life is actually pretty great, all things considered. But the last few months have been gruellingly depressing due to, you know, the worl...