Tuesday, November 28, 2023

bodies and kansan vihollinen/enemy of the people

I watched the Netflix series Bodies and when I say I watched it I had it on for every minute of its duration and semi-followed what was going on and didn't really get that much out of it but am of the opinion that shows like this perhaps invariably start out with a strong mystery and then as they slowly draw their threads together can only solve the intense weirdness of everything by coming up with freakishly, grandiosely nonsensical solutions. I mean it's science fiction anyway (indeed this is referenced in a scene late in the piece when a character from 2055 I think is trying to explain to a  character from 1890something various plot points that are probably more than most people can handle, let alone confused and sad gay (bisexual? Unclear) policemen from the 1890s in jail for murder. 

When it comes down to it... I watched the whole thing, but I was actually indexing a book at the time so I wasn't giving it my full attention. 

Unlike Kansan Vihollinen aka Enemy of the People (that's a literal translation) which is in Finnish, a language I don't understand, so I have to pay attention to the subtitles at all times. But from the first episode it is quite gripping I would say. 
I don't suppose Finnish tv/film invented this type but I love the way they do these unglamorous professional women just doing their job who, by the way, you know could be glamorous if they spent half an hour on it but they cbf. In this case the main character is a journalist, Katja Salonen (Kreeta Salminen) who appears to have been dumped from her job as a reporter in Helsinki and instead has taken the booby prize of working on a long-established newspaper in Tampere. Sucks to be you Katja! 
There's not too much Tampere in the first episode but when there is Tampere it's beautiful Tampere like this: 
Oh ignore the text on screen that's football people sending texts about Katja's inferences re a famous Finnish football player's stinginess in funding a local stadium or something. The football thing is going to make the show slightly troublesome to watch but fortunately its heroine has zero interest in football - I think in part so everyone is compelled to do exposition around her - and everything is explained. 

I think I'll enjoy this! 

1 comment:

Michael said...

Hi Dave,

Enemy of the People looks good. Have you watched the Danish comedy Orkestra, also on SBS? Highly recommended and the added bonus of no football references.


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