Friday, May 12, 2023

homicide 4 feb 1975, 'mr spence'

This episode is more interesting for the way the story is told, than for the story itself, which is pretty pedestrian (ok so the man didn't kill his wife so he could have a relationship with a co-worker precisely - it seems he killed her kind of in self-defence - but he still killed her and it's credit to the talents of Homicide cast and crew that they were able to spin this out to an hour). 

So here's Keith Eden, in the 13th of his 14th roles in Homicide, as Mr Spence, waiting outside Flinders St station for Helen Taylor - played by Patsy King who oddly enough was also appearing in the 13th of her 14 Homicide roles. 

Surprisingly this episode - well, this scene at least - was shot almost a year before it was shown, on 27 February 1974. Here's the front page of the Age for that day:

Btw Whitlam was using 'fantastic' in the old sense, of pertaining to fantasy. 

I suppose it was semi-nice to see the old Princes Bridge Station roof (?) area looking out towards Flinders St, I went up there a few times, it was always stupid. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...