Sunday, March 27, 2022

the curse of being interested

So I am more or less better, with still some fevers, fatigue but obviously it's not going to kill me this time. I am still having some weird nights but I can handle it and today has been the best yet. Going to have a light week (as light as you can have with five hours of lectures - ! Over four days though). 

Yesterday I listened to a few episodes of the new series of the Oh Brother podcast, the podcast done by the Hanley brothers out of The Fall. They're an interesting pair and I like how they themselves continue to be interested in the group even though they were completely gone from its ranks decades ago. I decided I should listen to it because The Fall were really starting to get on my wick, and it's silly, I really liked them for a long time and I mean Mark Smith himself was really good to me the one time I met him, what's my fucken problem. I think it partly came from this issue not only the n-word itself but a very pat comment posted by one anonymous passer-by who pushed all the wrong buttons for me. But that's extra to the argument isn't it. I am trying to put it all to bed and get on with things.

Oddly enough the real thing that brought this to a head for me was an article somewhere - god knows where I read it - along the lines of 'yes, there are actually people who prefer the recent Simpsons', testimony from mainly young people who found the initial seasons of the Simpsons to be too harsh and retrograde, and I was sort of like - well, yeah you have to see it in context. Then I was like, what kind of world is it when you can't see the context? (Not that, mind you, the context of the song 'The Classical' really justifies the use of that word). This afternoon when we watched Monkey Business and the ongoing joke of Harpo chasing women, like, literally chasing them, kind of brought it home to me. My mind instantly went to: what would he do when he caught one? OK, maybe I'm not actually 100% better yet. I can't really think this through. 

By the way that Cherry Red ad came up in my feed (said the rooster) a few times and I have to say that if I didn't recognise Mark E Smith in those faces I'd assume that they were generic heads and I'd be very confused, because yeah, I don't recognise any of those people, lol, except him. But I note it's 4/5 fellers. Maybe it's a late period line-up of The Fall? Come to think of it that's the most likely.

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d4 the toffee apple man

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