Sunday, March 20, 2022

fcuwm 3

Age TV Radio Guide 17 May 1966 p. 1

I had been having trouble with my Homicide discs and one was proving to be pretty unplayable really so I put the next one in and it seemed worse if anything, but this morning I tried it again and got to play the first episode 'Prove it' which I actually didn't enjoy much but perhaps I'm just not in the mood to enjoy things. This episode has absolutely no twist in its tail at all, the police think the man is guilty and they just spend an hour going through procedures with fake blood and films of them crawling over each other to get out of a car, and then they prove it. 

One thing that does mess with me in Homicide is whenever they do a line-up, it's not behind one-way glass or anything - witness and accused meet each other in person. I guess that's how they did it then. Seems very weird though. 

Age TV-Radio Guide 19 May 1966 p. 2

This is an interesting show less for the storyline (average) and more for the setting. It's all Moomba parade, and Herald Outdoor Art Show. 
Just a random Princes Bridge shot. Then a sort of random State Library (actually, at the time it was also the Art Gallery and the Museum) shot. 
This is the building opposite the library/art gallery/museum. The Oddfellows Building, 339 Swanston. 
This the Herald Outdoor Art Show, and some of the art.

And this is the parade. The last image is about as confusing as Homicide gets. 


Wayne Davidson said...

Moomba looks great in these photos. I was in the parade once, it was exhausting.

David Nichols said...

What were you doing in the parade Wayne

Wayne Davidson said...

Debbie (Missing Link) corralled a few of us to join in the Painters and Dockers float. We walked/danced the whole way in 70s attire. There's a photo of us with Zig and Zag assuming this link works -

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...