Wednesday, March 09, 2022

chip nuts

I have nothing to tell you. Very tired. I went looking for a picture on my phone that might have given some entertainment and all I could find was this, which I suppose was a snack I bought in Oslo and presumably ate, at least some of, probably. 

I don't remember this at all. They may not even be Norwegian. 

I loved Norway. I mean it's not Finland (what is?) but it's similarly clean and everyone is polite, more or less, and helpful. Unlike Finland I have Norwegian ancestors. The Knorpps. I'm sure I've told you about the Knorpps. There's every chance they don't exist, really but I'm hanging on to them, partly out of my strong affection for my paternal grandmother who told me about them. There just doesn't seem to be such a name as Knorpp unfortunately. 

Here's another picture from the same week (October 2019) which basically is probably worth about a billion dollars. It's Edinburgh Castle I think. It's a real thing that happened. 

Anyway I really have nothing to tell you. It's been a very full-on day, with a two-hour lecture that went OK but really took the wind out of my sails. Talk to you later. 

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