Monday, March 07, 2022

garbage truck

Stupid picture of Nancy in the garden just for fun. She goes out there often when I am about to leave the house, presumably because she knows if she is out there I am likely to stay around a little longer, or perhaps there is a more sinister reason. 

God, the garbage truck was so loud this morning and just sat seemingly outside the window just going on and on, there were two of them, at least, a garbage truck and a recycling truck, twenty minutes apart, both massively loud and so extended it was almost like there was some kind of hazing going on.

Last night I started watching the episode of Homicide called 'Vendetta' which I soon discovered (spoilers for 56 year old tv show) is the episode where Bronson gets killed by, I assume (haven't watched it all yet), an escaped criminal. Story goes that Terry McDermott decided he wasn't getting paid enough for the long hours and stunts he had to do, so he left the series, and they made sure he did so with a bang (he was back on series TV in a few years, joining the cast of Bellbird in 1969 and even becoming entrepreneurial about it - he was one of the producers of the film Country Town, which was based on the series, a film I've never seen but would love to see). Anyway his replacement was Les Dayman, who if I remember correctly was thirty years later part of the cast of Richmond Hill, I suppose I should check that and soon will. This is from the Age 21 April 1966 (TV-Radio Guide, p. 5):

It spells a new era for the show, obviously, as Bronson was a big part of it and McDermott probably all things considered the star at least in the first year, though his glow dimmed a little next to Leonard Teale and his (LT's) alluringly bad teeth and always the sexy promise that he (LT) will make some quip at the end of the show about how (for instance) well, mate, your bit on the side was poisoned by her father because her pregnancy threatened his run for local council but golly how you going to explain that to your fiancee? 

Anyway so I started to watch that and was intrigued to see that the show begins - I think this happens even before the opening credits - with Leonard Teale's character gunned down (amazingly, in the street my brother lives in - Rennie St, Coburg - but get this, he wasn't even born then!). I reckon this is an example of cunning publicity, there must have been some kind of attendant press story about how one of the characters would die, and everyone would think it was Mac, since he gets shot three times in the first five minutes and left to die in the gutter. Anyway I was watching that but it had been a fairly demanding evening and I was thinking gee, poor old Bronson and Mrs Bronson, I wonder if he ever got to finish painting the room that he was painting when he was called away to Lorne to solve that poisoning case, and then two eps later he was shot by the deluded criminal. I didn't feel like it was a good way to end my Sunday so I stopped watching, I'll maybe pick it up this evening. By the way though:

Leonard Radic, 'The battle for local ratings', Melbourne Age 24 August 1966 p. 15

Meanwhile, the three Ws: work (gruelling atm), war (kind of puts everything into perspective and anything I say about that appalling situation is going to come out as glib but it's horrendous) and washer, dish. Another thing that, yes, is brought into perspective by the war in Ukraine but it does look like the dishwasher has given up the ghost. The only question is, repair or replace? I suppose I'll give repair a go, in the interests of not putting a huge piece of old equipment into landfill, or whatever the hell happens to old dishwashers, for a little while longer. Sucks! I am pretty sure it's not repairable because it seems to be the electronics, but what do I know, I'm not an expert. Sometimes an expert can just flick it with a fingernail and it goes for another ten years. 

I know I had more to tell you but I'm really just procrastinating here. Later. 


B Smith said...

"Country Town" can be seen at

David Nichols said...

Incredible thank you

B Smith said...

Happy to be of service - and thanks for further Flook episodes!

David Nichols said...

Plenty more where they came from

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...