Thursday, December 03, 2020

Auburn Road #3 with a tail including walking to Tooronga Station (not pictured) and a psychedelic moment

I'm a little confused but this house might have had a DeGaris connection. It might be the 'Camelot' that the DeGarises (and Violet DeGaris's mother) lived in in the mid-1920s. But I'm confused. A little. 
This is Ercildoune, where at one stage the mayor of Hawthorn lived, I mean not because he was the mayor, he was obviously just a rich and arguably important man. I always liked going past this place and seeing a really big laundry detergent box (I think it was Rinso) in one of the windows. I don't know why I liked it but I did and I remember it too. 
I can't tell if this is a complete rebuild of the original (1959) shop that was a milk bar I remember being called Louie's. It was a classic milk bar inside, classically awful. 
Look obviously I was walking for the sake of walking, but I did have a purpose in my Auburn Road perambulation, which was to see what was left of the Bills St Housing Commission housing. And here is the answer: nothing at all. 
This is my old high school, scene of squalor and misery. 
Here is poor old Gardiners Creek where Toorak Road and the Monash Freeway meet, a bit of a sad place, but always has been in my experience. 
The playground underneath skyrail. 
Some place you can't go
Apparently this happened.
People on the tram - yes - I walked from Flinders St to Victoria Market and then - yes - I got the tram. And that is the end of my journey from a few days ago

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d4 the toffee apple man

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