Sunday, December 27, 2020

market this morning

Yeah I did go to the market this morning it was pretty empty and closed. It didn't open till 9 am and even then, it opened in a closed kind of way. I bought some spring onions, broccoli (such a staple of my diet that I feel fine about dinner if I have some in the fridge) a cauliflower and some oranges, in case of scurvy. Nothing happened and nothing was interesting about the experience overall. Oh, this wasn't interesting but I bought some rice, really expensive rice that was expensive for no reason. I'll probably go to Woolworths later so there was doubly no reason for me to buy that fucking rice.*

Update 24h later: worse. I went to Cheaper Buy Miles where they were selling the same quantity of rice, grown locally (which is of course a conundrum in environmental terms, but/and I don't know what the origin of the market rice was) for a dollar a bag. Lesson: always go to CBM first, fill in the gaps elsewhere thereafter.  


Person I want to be said...

is there particular meaning in those pairs of flags?

David said...

Great question, and of course I've watched enough Eurovision to know that Germany-Turkey have an unusual and in some ways fraught relationship. I'm going to guess no, not really, it's just 'flags of the world, if they pair up in ways some people would find meaningful then we'll send someone up on a ladder to switch them around until someone else reads something into/complains about the new pairing'. But I don't know. Personally I'd avoid using national flags in this kind of a context to indicate cosmopolitanism, its nemesis.

Person I want to be said...

Yeah, a flag of watermelon country looks more appropriate.

As for me i more like concept of sister-cities/twinned towns. And if it was represented in the market, that would be awesome.

Fun fact, in Russia we call it something like "sworn brother cities". Saw one paper about language frames or something, and there was a thought, that it may lead to misunderstanding between relations. One seek to find theirs double, another seek to put away differences (but still keep it) and accepting each other. But i think, it rather more simple: cities in English are feminine according to some random folks on the internet, and "city" in Russian has male gender. One day all those official meetings come to an end after neverending misgendering each other, lol.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...