Tuesday, December 22, 2020

i love to wake up with my cats on the bed

So, given that, I am pretty happy most mornings, because it almost always happens (and I can guarantee at least one, Helmi, but almost always, also, Nancy). Last night I slept better than I had in weeks, I can only put it down to having discharged my (probably) final duties at work for the year. Now I just have a huge amount of writing to do, but that's OK, I like writing. As you can probably tell. Regardless of whether I'm any good at it, it's basically all I've got so be kind. 

This morning I think I was woken by some dork mowing the grass in the middle of the roundabout with a piece of equipment surely only really useful on cricket pitches or fields of hay but somehow they got it down Park Drive (airlifted maybe?) and set it to work on a tiny patch more suited to manscaping equipment than the giant tractor they used on it. (Have I mentioned to you how much I despise all the manscaping ads I am currently being exposed to? Ugh, fuck off). 

Nancy, disturbed by noise
Helmi, observing Nancy being disturbed by noise
Helmi trying to avoid reality of that which makes the noise. 

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