Friday, March 30, 2018

hard to get here

About six years ago I changed my gmail main address, from one that gmail had randomly assigned me when I signed up for gmail in November 2005 to one closer to my own actual name, and like a lot of things in life it has been a nuisance and I regret it. Apart from anything else, this blog is attached to my old email address, which is still nominally active, and I have to log out of that to get into this. It's not simple, and less so in the last few weeks when one gmail account seems actively resistant to logging out, so I have to do it three or four times to get into this one.
It shouldn't make me less keen to post but it does take more time so for that reason alone I tend not to come here as much. Sorry.
Easter (particularly Good Friday) bores me almost literally to tears but I know i need the time to recover from the first five weeks of teaching which have been really gruelling. Today for instance has been an amazingly chill (ha ha) day. Mainly on the couch.

1 comment:

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