Sunday, July 14, 2013


Charlie's condition was so awful by late last night there was no option but to have her euthanased. The cancer appeared to have spread to her liver, she was panting, would not eat and was in great distress. As with most of the beagles in my life, I do know she had an amazingly good life. One thing she particularly enjoyed was climbing inside the beanbag cover and then coming out of it.
She also really enjoyed chewing.
Additionally, she loved the park. 
2 December 2004 - 13 July 2013


dfv said...

Sorry to hear it David. I have a 13 year old woofer who is heading downhill and your Charlie posts have reminded me to document and celebrate the fun moments whilst they last.

Pants said...

Hi David

I'm sad for you and Mia. It's hard to lose a good friend.

xxx to you both.


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