Monday, June 27, 2011

just a minute

I can't stand listening to the news at the moment because it almost always seems to be something about Gillard's demise. Instead when possible I listen to a strange stream called The JAMmer which promises 'Decades of Just a Minute'. And that is what you get. A seemingly (but probably not) random selection of constant Just a Minutes over the last 44 years. If it is being compiled, it's by someone with a Kenneth Williams enthusiasm. I think I mentioned a few months back hearing the very first Just a Minute on Radio National. Yesterday I heard a notorious notable episode, from I think 1969, when Nicholas Parsons wasn't the chair but a contestant, and Clement Freud was the chair. No explanation and guess what, not very good. But some (most) eps are sterling. You can access it via the Just a Minute blog listed on the left, and then through one of its links.

It feels guilty, like I've given up on now and want to wallow in then, but that's not really true. It's just that the news right now is so shitty.


Marg B said...

Doesn't strike you as impressive that J'accana is front page news as the epicentre of Melbourne's latest new-and-improved version of a gangland war? Never thought my old, beloved home would ever get on the map!

David Nichols said...

Yes, Marg this is true. Another reason to avoid the news at the moment. Who are these people!?

Anonymous said...

They're your neighbours. You all shop at the same Safeway, go to the same post office, buy the same kebabs/pides/felafel at the same shop, drive on the same patch of Pacco/Johnstone/Camp/Blair/Barry, etc. The only difference is that a few of those folk have grandiose, and entirely unrealistic, ideas about criminal hood-dom and where that may lead them.

Richard said...

Nicholas Parsons in the chair, Clement Freud, Kenneth Williams, Derek Nimmo & Peter Jones on the panel. Dear dead days. Never been the same since. They let anyone on these days....

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...