Wednesday, June 08, 2011

bogan delusion

The previous post has a whole lot of comments that might look a bit obscure without acknowledgement that my book The Bogan Delusion with pictures by Mia Schoen is out now in bookshops. Clever people have been tracking me online to this blog. I am recording a diary of my responses to the publicity whirlwind but not ready to publish just yet in case it queers the pitch! You might hear me on the radio or something in the next few weeks, enjoy, or not...!

One podcast of recent radio appearance here (Life Matters) another here (Jon Faine).


Petticoats and Chrome said...

Congratulations on your book and radio appearances. I have heardabout the launch from disparate sources,so obviously the publicity is working.

...And you are not so difficult to find in blog-form. I stumbled upon you a few years ago through google and I believe your blog details came up at the top of the page when I was researching your GoBs book.

I hope it all continues to go well. You could always post your launch details here, too ...

David Nichols said...

And I shall...

iODyne said...

gosh Petticoats, fancy meeting you here. I hyped the book launch at Farcebook for what that's worth, and I look forward to reading it.

Petticoats and Chrome said...

Mr Stacks,

I believe I met you and Ms Ann here some time ago. I do pop in every now and then.

LC is a favourite of mine. I do love the anecdotal style, and of course the author is a favorite who many admired from afar a very long time ago.

Shh, don't tell!

iODyne said...

Noticed your book mentioned in The Weekend Australian REVIEW section.

David Nichols said...

Yep, I was reasonably pleased with that. The Age reviewed it too, a review of which I can only say, it counts as exposure.

Anonymous said...

You are getting plenty of PR help - BoganAirlines in the news, and of course 'rumours that the former Prime Minister has referred to the Lodge as Boganville since Julia Gillard moved in'.

X X o'dyne et al

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...