1. We are going to see Powderfinger in Bendigo on Friday. What's the problem? I hear you say. Apart from the fact there won't be much option to see Powderfinger anywhere in the near future. Well, the problem is we have a new puppy, Kenzie and Charlie to look after that night. This will consume me for a while. I imagine we will have to come back from Bendigo on the night; but I am not sure we can leave the triumverate of terror alone for 7 or 8 hours...
2. I broke a tooth. Well, it just crumbled. A molar. It's the one I had filled again last year, they warned me this might happen. Have you ever tried to get emergency dental treatment in Melbourne on a Saturday afternoon? Well, don't. I waited three hours at the dental hospital and got the option of either pulling it out there and then (or rather, having it pulled out for me) or going to a real dentist next week. I had so much to do (a lecture a day Mon-Thurs) and so little money, I have put it off till Friday. It doesn't hurt, but it feels really weird. I am going to try out a new dentist - Smile Solutions - ironically a name I have trouble saying in my present 1/2 a tooth less condition.
3. Concerns to do with work (students etc not colleagues) which it is not right to discuss here.
4. I think that's all for the moment but it's enough to be getting on with.
Hope everything goes well tomorrow and Charlie is happily distracted with her sleepover party.
Having a problem on your teeth especially when you have tons of things to do is so much a burden. I got wisdom teeth extraction a few months back and I have to skip work for 3 weeks which resulted to lost clients. Hope you can find a good dentist soon
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