Tuesday, April 27, 2010

talk of the town

(from last week, sorry) I have enlightened beliefs on the matter of the Melbourne Storm rorts because I have no interest in whatever the kind of ball game it refers to, to the degree that I gather it’s about rugby league (I assume ‘NRL’ stands for ‘National Rugby League’ though if someone told me it was a league of Rugby Union players I would not be shocked) but what that actually is (in relation to rugby union or whatever other lemon-shaped ball games there are that aren’t AFL) I don’t know at all.

It would seem that Melbourne Storm, which is a team, found ways to pay certain players more than they should have, to keep the team successful, which it was.

The bit that most intrigues me was the suggestion that some of the people responsible for this deception and corruption might go to jail for up to five years. That is amazing. I am really torn. If I were king they probably would go to jail, but then again, I might be sending people to jail just for being interested in rugby league, or perhaps I’d be a benevolent ruler and only send them to jail for thinking it’s important (they can still be interested). Certainly I would outlaw people paying for the services of players. I would also send the woman in the seat perpendicular to mine, to jail for the crime of filing her nails in my presence. Unbearable vibes of a scratchy pink board on a fingernail and rude, too.

Anyway the idea that people might go to jail over something to do with a stupid ball game that makes no sense is very amusing. It shows to some degree that our society is simply cockamamie, though at the same time I would be totally into people who made their money out of in some way organizing the playing of stupid ball games going to jail. You see how this presents me with a moral dilemma.

As it happens I also don’t really believe sending people to jail is a solution. In jail they no doubt learn about more sports and are encouraged by their corrupt peers to take greater interest in intricacies of ball games. It is a vicious circle. Or, if you like, cycle.

Next vignette: Oh I used to work with a designer, this was at Attic Press, who used to call vignettes ‘vonettes’, I mean she probably spelt it vignette, but she didn’t know how to pronounce it. She always came at it as if explaining a new concept too, the vonette, something very specialized that only she had knowledge of. I can’t remember what it referred to in design and nor do I now care. I am then reminded of the woman I worked with who pronounced mural ‘muriel’ and foccaccia ‘f’couchy’. The muriel problem is, I think, fairly widespread: in this person’s case, it was as if she actually was unable not to make the ‘i’ sound between the ‘r’ and the ‘e’. The f’couchy was just laziness I think. It was a new innovation (as innovations so often are) in Sydney 20 years ago, and like Kylie Minogue and Kate Ceberano, people had a lot of trouble pronouncing the name for some time. There was the transition period when people had actually learnt how to say it, but put a kind of affectation in their voice as though only an affected person would know how to say such a word. Then people realized life was too short and just started saying the damn word.

Last night we watched what was probably about 2/3 of the Drew Barrymore-directed film Whip It. I have to say what we saw was pretty poor, though like a lot of these things it probably wasn’t our demographic. I have been trying to think of ways that it might have turned out to be a brilliant film following the scene where the boy and girl jump in the swimming pool with their clothes on (as far as I’ve seen it or will ever see it probably). My first impulse is always to imagine the actors turning to the camera and explaining why the film has been rubbish so far, but of course that’s a cop out. I suppose the best idea I can think of is that somehow the film moves away from its boring roller skating premise and into some kind of more character based study of the family. Also, introduction of the actual song ‘Whip It’, though I always preferred ‘Girl U Want’, myself, and ‘Snowball’, all from that album Freedom of Choice.

I greatly enjoyed Tony Martin’s second book A Nest of Occasionals and I suggest to you that you read it. He also writes weekly for The Scrivener’s Fancy which I have bookmarked on the right. The other writers are very fine too, on the whole.


Adam said...

I'm a Gates of Steel man myself - casio version or original, i don't mind.

My sister worked in Ballarat's first italian-style cafe back in the 80s and there was a guy who came in regularly for his focka-chia and two cups of chino. They let it go on too long without correcting him and then it was too late to do anything other than ignore the error.

fxh said...

When I was about 14 I was greatly impressed by the novel Mr Polly by HG Wells.

I then took to deliberately mispronouncing words.

Now its a lifetime habit - sort of fused with Dad's Jokes and puns. I'm probably the only one who is amused or even knows what I am doing. Not that I could stop without a 12 step program.

muriel is an old one I am addicted to. I especially like funded community arts group muriels

spades of said...

there was woman clipping her nails on the train the other day and dusting the clippings off her jumper onto the floor. gross

spades of said...

also I thought whip it was pretty good, for what it was

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...