Sunday, December 21, 2008


'Cos only a sissy would reflect, right? Right. I was having a mentalblank-writersblock moment earlier this evening and was compelled to search on what brought people to this blog in random searches, and found that two things in particular put me in touch with the wider world: my rumination a while ago on what one called one's cousin's child, and another was the term 'sorry for any inconvenience caused', which actually made me wonder if people in non-English speaking countries were trying to figure out what this phrase actually means (FYI - it means NOTHINK).

There is a coffee place about 2 mins from where I work which I go to 2 or so times a day (I met a coworker there a few weeks ago who said 'After what you told us at the christmas party about the amount of coffee you drink I'm not surprised to see you here!' And I said, I drink two cups of coffee a day - three max. And she said 'No, you told us SIX!' God that was a weird conversation to briefly have to have.) I have enjoyed myself a lot there this year, because I like to think I have friendly interactions with the staff, though there is a bit of tension with that too because you always feel like you have to be 'on' when you go there and then 4 out of 5 times you don't really get a chance to be on at all because there are other people to be served, but boy, when you are required to be on, you have to be. I have had some awkward times there, true. Like when the girls were reminiscing about groups they liked when they were children and it was music that I wasn't aware anyone could think of sentimentally, like Destiny's Child. As I have said previously, half the time they play Joan Armatrading there and the other half it's Tracey Chapman, then the third half it's I dunno, I think I once heard Supertramp. Then they asked me what music I liked. Whew that was tough. I think I said the Red Krayola, I mean you might as well be honest. Anyway they are closed for christmas, so I suppose I miss them, I don't know why I brought them up now.

I am listening to The Groop's album Woman you're breaking me, which I suppose is their second and last album, although there is a greatest hits record I see around a lot. I hadn't seen this one and I bought it for a dollar in Cootamundra (or was it Narrandera, christ, you plague me with questions). I went looking for a clip of them on YouTube but there don't seem to have been any made except in their first incarnation before they were very good. But I did happen upon one of my favourite songs of all time, which also happens to have one of the most unintentionally funny videos of all time.

2.05-2.11 is the best bit visually. Note Rage credited this to Ted Mulry Gang, but it is a long time before anyone thought Mulry was Ted's middle name.

I am interested that for 'Julia', another wonderful song which was the single before 'Falling in love again', Ted was considered suitable as the love interest, but they probably figured they'd learnt a lesson by the time of 'FILA'

Anyway I think I was going to wefwect but obviously that isn't going to happen, I meandered instead - which is a bit like wefwecting I suppose. Sowwy.

1 comment:

Ann ODyne said...

When The Groop were working, there were at least 2000'working bands' in melbourne.
We crapped allover Sydney on the 'hip' scale.
The Groop must have played as many 'private functions' for engagements, 21sts etc at places like No 9 Darling St where the Toorak-set did their partying.
The bass player's family business was production of all the Starlet brand cosmetics for Coles ... those were the days before FN China produced all our crap.

I love your dog pix - I am pet-sitting a cute dog and a funny cat and having a perfect time.

Happy Christmas

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...