Saturday, December 13, 2008

celebrate good times, come on

I have completed the first draft of the first volume of my history of Australian rock and pop.
'Christ am I in it mate?'


spades of said...

good! I'm sick of hearing about it.

David Nichols said...

You're partially to blame for its existence - remember all that PHOTOCOPYING? - and have to own your own mistakes.

spades of said...

Oh noes.

Anonymous said...

Just looked at this today. Spooky. I was singing Single Bed in the shower at the weekend...

Adam said...

nice one. got a publisher attached?

Ann ODyne said...

is that the s-s-single bed chick?

I would love to read it.
Have you covered Ken Minogue, The Tum, The Pink Elephant in Fitzroy St, Ron Eden, The Catcher, 10th Avenue, The Bowl in Degraves St where Tony Worsley and the Blue Jays played at lunchtime for office girls, the Knight Brothers ... me?

division 4 the grasshoppers

This is a truly classic episode called 'The Grasshoppers' (aired 9 April 1973). It is topped and tailed with these two river flats d...