Friday, August 08, 2008

olympics schmolympics

Sorry, but I mean it. What are the olympics meant to represent? How are the teams formed? They are worse than Aussie Rules teams now, which similar to the nations of old often used to roughly represent people of a specific geography and perhaps even gene pool (probably not, but if you half closed your eyes you could fudge it). But even aside from this, who gives a complete flying fuck about these further-stronger-faster-tuffer idiots destroying their lives dedicating them to the eXtreme boredom of regular repetitive exercise so as to one day compete. What do these people get out of these pursuits? Do they come away feeling better than others? If so, more fool them. And worst of all the people who watch this rubbish (let's not even start on the fools who have 'lost' tens of thousands on internet 'scams' about tickets to these fool events; I wonder if any of them might learn from such an experience? of course not) on television and somehow find some kind of interest-traction in amongst the stats and grabs.

It's certainly not my world and never has been and of course never will be. A few days ago on 774 I heard some smoothie discussing the superior physical condition of particular runners (nb it seems even ridiculous to me that there can be a person who can be described as a 'runner'; you might as well describe someone with hair as a 'hairer') as being something that, unfortunately, not anyone can be. Poor sods! I always associate the olympics with fascism (why is that?) and I do note that every four years around Olympics time the sports fascists do get their little bit of time in the sun to gloat about how clever they are for their interest in Olympicish things. These people are shallow, mean, stupid and useless.

People who do art things can find a way round anything. Olympics people are the most pathetic, misguided, shabby wastes available. I hate them. Did you guess?


lucy tartan said...

I hate them as well.

Tim said...

Me too. This post is awesome.

Anonymous said...

I quite like the badminton and the gymnastics.

Anonymous said...

I quite like the ribbon dancing

Anonymous said...

The only thing I find interesting about them is how US network NBC is completely freaking out because Americans are watching international coverage of the games online, instead of waiting patiently (dutifully?) by their TV sets for NBC's tape-delayed presentation.

Otherwise, the whole shebang can pretty much suck it.

Kirsty said...

I like your new blog picture (and your Facebook one too). Is it Mia's work?

David Nichols said...

No these are the work of two up and coming young artists who I sat for last weekend. I will not name them in case they do not want to be named.

Anonymous said...

...I think you're being pretty harsh - are you perhaps someone who was never very good at sport, so you're now being overly critical of it in order to cover up for your feelings of inadequacy? And arty people can also be sporty people - you might want to try avoiding categorising people with such broad generalisations - it only serves to make you sound ignorant...

David Nichols said...

I don't mind sounding ignorant about the olympics. I only wish I WAS ignorant of them, or it, or whatever.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...