Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Favourite songs meme

The Favourite Songs Meme as nabbed from rocksnob who can't be that much of a rocksnob considering the appreciation of U2 expressed therein. Hey! Snobbed ya good!

1. Favorite Beatles song: Yeah, this should come first. It's the most important musical decision in the world. For me it's between 'Not guilty' and 'Teddy Boy', though anything off Wings at the speed of sound would be preferable.

2. Favorite Rolling Stones song: Ooh, I'm a kid in a candy store. 'Undercover'.

3. Favorite Doors song: 'You're just too hip baby'

4. Favorite Bob Dylan song: 'All the tired horses'

5. Favorite Led Zeppelin song: 'My zippo'

6. TV Theme Song: New Avengers

7. Favorite Prince Song: 'Cream'

8. Favorite Madonna Song: 'Lucky Star'

9. Favorite Michael Jackson Song: 'Don't stop till you get enough'

10. Favorite Queen Song: Anything by End of Fashion

11. Favorite Motorhead Song: 'Motorhead' would be my favourite song by the tenth most important rock/ pop artist on earth

12. Favorite Ozzy Song: 'Come on Ozzy come on'

13. Favorite Public Enemy Song: 'One of a kind' by Bruce Samazan

14. Favorite Song from a cartoon: Nutty squirrels

15. Favorite Bruce Springsteen song: 'Fever' as covered by Ed Kuepper

16. Favorite Depeche Mode song: 'See you'

17. Favorite Cure song: 'Three'

18. Favorite song that most of your friends haven't heard: Not my real friends anyway

19. Favorite Smiths song: 'No Xmas for John Quays'

20. Favorite Beastie Boys song: 'I'm 18'

21. Favorite Clash song: 'Vertical Integration'

22. Favorite Police song: 'Canary in a Coalmine'

23. Favorite Eurythmics song: 'I only want to be with you'

24. Favorite Beach Boys song: 'Would it be so strange?'

25. Favorite Cyndi Lauper song: 'I've got a hole in my heart that goes all the way to China'

26. Favorite song from a movie: 'Golf Course' from Dogs in Space

27. Favorite Duran Duran song: 'Girls on film'

28. Favorite Peter Tosh song: 'Don't Look Back'

29. Favorite Johnny Cash song: that one Mia liked so much she bought two albums to get it

30. Favorite song from an 80's one hit wonder: 'You're so groovy'

31. Favorite song from a video game: 'What will we be singing in the 80s'

32. Favorite Kinks song: every song on Village Green Preservation Society and Arthur. And 'Night of the long grass', of course

33. Favorite Genesis song: Toss up between 'Something came over me' and 'Adreneline'

34. Favorite Thin Lizzy song: '48 Crash'

35. Favorite INXS song: 'Simple Simon'

36. Favorite Weird Al song: 'Elected'

37. Favorite Peter Gabriel song: 'Blueberry Hill'

38. Favorite John Lennon song: 'Ya ya' or the Wedding Album side 1

39. Favorite Pink Floyd song: 'Effervescent Elephant'

40. Favorite cover song: The Reels doing 'Lazy River' (never happened).

41. Favorite White Stripes song: That song that sounds like Spiderbait

42. Favorite dance song: 'Swimming in the mirror'

43. Favorite U2 song: 'The Fly'

44. Favorite song from an actor turned musician: 'Shake your rump', Ashley Paske

45. Favorite disco song: 'The Deep' Donna Summer

46. Favorite Power Ballad: 'Horses' by Pere Ubu

47. Favorite Guns N' Roses song: 'Black-Eyed Bruiser'

48. Favorite The Who song: 'Odorono'

49. Favorite Elton John song: anything by Guy Blackman

50. Favorite song, period: 'Horses', and the 1920s.


boy moritz said...

Hi David, I totally agree with you on You’re so Groovy. Whatever became of that singer anyway? Man she was dynamite on leggs

David Nichols said...


Anonymous said...

For fuck's sake, French for eggs is l'oeuvrie.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i did not intend to sign anonymously. HOwever, you do remain fools.

Anonymous said...

I do not think the film left any room for free-thought.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...