Thursday, October 05, 2006

and furthermore...

Last night I dreamt Mia was a long-running cast member of Neighbours. We were watching it and saw a scene where her character was knocked out with chloroform by the actor Simon May, playing a baddie. He administered it via one of those little puffer-brushes photographers use. I turned to her and said 'you must get hassled a lot in the street'. Like, she'd been in the show for years and we'd never discussed it, and it never occurred to me to bring it up before.

I found this picture on the internet, and didn't know what else to do with it. It's a private swim fun park in Rockhampton currently selling for $3 million.


Mistress Bel said...

It would make a great new set for Lassiters. Not only could Paul Robinson afford it he could easily carry it off - he looked so cute when playing pirates with Oscar, portrayed so brilliantly by Ingo Dammer-Smith, the best child actor since Shirley Temple.

David Nichols said...

Ingo Dammer-Smith better not give up his day job

todd rundgren tonight

My life is actually pretty great, all things considered. But the last few months have been gruellingly depressing due to, you know, the worl...