Monday, July 03, 2006

wouldn't the world be a more beautiful place...

... if everyone told each other their logons and 'PIN numbers'? I mean, really. I am no luddite (though just as Karl Marx would if he were alive today, I rail inchoately [even if that is an inappropriate use of those words] against the faddistic habit of changing approaches and attitudes and angles on e-security every few years apparently just for the sake of it, or for the sake of marketing some new device/process that brings some undeserving someone some new money; and I do this by being chronically unable to remember PINs and similar) but all the numbers and crappy phrases I have to remember just to get through the day make me feel like I am suspended in some matrixist netherworld.

I do not use the same PIN for everything (ooh, he's going to talk about his PIN, this could be a major breach of e-security!!!) but my PINs/logons etc are pretty much a variation on the same theme, which derives from a brief flirtation Mia and I had with a commercial product of the late 90s and which we decided was an easy-to-remember Video Ezy password. I feel I have no option but to use roughly the same password on everything, because otherwise I'd have to write everything down (exceptions are things like frequent flyer passwords, etc which are another branch of nonsense which I do have to write down, because I use them about once every six months and they are different to the usual style because they've been generated by the systems themselves and I can't be bothered changing them because who cares about ripoff frequent flyer crap anyway and why did I even get involved with them?). The way I remember the variations is all about creepy mnemonics that seem to strip one's character to the core and reduce you to the very basest of your being, because you know you have to see yourself as you really are to know your own impulses/leanings. Or does that make no sense. I can't put it in words any other way.

Anyway, I'm just about to change my logons all over the place, I think it's time. I should add the worst thing anyone could do if they gained my logon phrase is besmirch me temporarily - hack into this blog for instance and post some musings on Big Brother. E-banking is not for me, and I always confuse my credit union 'member number' with my old 'staff number'.

I think the point of all the above is to rail inchoately (yes) at the mental strain caused by remembering all these numbers and words and combinations of the two. I know it was harder in the old days, when everyone had to remember the entire bible and whether they were Catholic or Protestant.


Anonymous said...

It doesn't have to be all that hard. Aside from a 4 (or 6) digit numberical PIN, You just need a basic password for accounts that are set once and never need changing. Then you need a changeable one, preferably of 8 characters total, the last four of which contain the month and year, in which you just increment the numbers as appropriate. That should do it.

David Nichols said...

See, I don't even understand what that means. I change the PIN every month? Sounds like a hassle. Presumes I always know what month/year it is.

dfv said...

I meant for PINs or computer passwords that expire regularly, have a number incrementing tactic. i.e Computers at work that force password changes once a month. I have 30+ passwords which I keep in sync this way, despite being forced to change them every 35 days. Plus voicemail PINs that want to be changed every 60 days. Yes, I work for a big, bad and paranoid comporation.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...