Thursday, October 06, 2005

man about town

Saw Greg this morning at Inkara (I think that's what it's called) to pass on what are probably the last two (maybe one more) possibles for Melbourne Water II. We also discussed Pip's forthcoming album, the forthcoming Flywheel EP & album, the possible paper we may write about new states movements and web communities... then I went to the Baillieu and read through a bit of 1930s newspaper - did actually find some things I am meant to be looking for but was also, unfortunately, immersed yet depressed by a particularly nasty murder that occurred at this time. The girl in question would have been 86 if she hadn't been murdered and then hadn't died otherwise.

I saw Nicole and Julian in the City outside what I think was the building that was hijacked by RMIT students in the early 90s - they were off to have lunch at '16' whatever that is. Bantered a bit. On the way down Little Lonsdale saw Nina, we discussed movies mainly, from conversation starting on the demise of the Lumiere which is right next door to where she works and at which she, unlike me, had been an attendee.

I had lunch at a pasta restaurant further up the same street with an editor journalist type of my acquaintance - we discussed some work I'd been doing - and my usual whinge about not getting a proper job etc - it was all pretty pleasant however.

Got the train back from Melb Central and it had Frankston on the front of it - in the loop the stations were being announced in reverse order, so that by the time we got to North Melbourne it was announced as Parliament. I was comfortable within my train, but others might have been intimidated. Luckily it stopped after this and went to no announcement.


Anonymous said...

You eat, you meet people on the street, you gaze into a building's soul, can you gaze into Bec Cartwright's?

bls said...

i'd say you're the man about town. yesterday i discovered that you are featured on the july 05 issue of th believer magazine as a member of the singing drummer's elite. i believe they labeled you and esquire. phil collins is the king...

David Nichols said...
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David Nichols said...

Bls, such an honour, estimable though it is, does not make a man about town. Nevertheless your information intrigues me. Is it just a long list with my name in it? I can get one of those in the phone book. However, thank you for the information.

bls said...

why no, singing drummer esquire, it is a lovingly rendered family tree of sorts in which the illustrator traces the lineage and titles of the worlds singing drummers. i will endeavor to scan it and upload it to booker street for your review.

David Nichols said...

I'd love that. Do I have to commonise my weal with, or otherwise pay homage unto, Phil Collins? I don't like his work much, except on that Nico-John Cale-Kevin Ayers live album, and in his role as 'Phillippe' in Achewood.

Anonymous said...

I bet Phil's blogging the same thing about you right now

Anonymous said...

Just discovered this blog and loved your '05 musings, David. Will save '06 to the present for the next few days - it's like finding a stash of DV's I never knew existed and it's all rather quite exciting....

The word verification word is hydente - is that a real word?

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...