Tuesday, January 07, 2025

why do i do this to myself

The intricacies of PMcC in the 70s continue to fascinate me but the hours I've spent listening to the back and forth over the making of Venus and Fucking Mars (that's what it's called right?) including the completely unfair sacking of Geoff Britton and the surprising recruitment of the excellent Joe English as his replacement and Jimmy McCulloch just being an absolute prize prick at all times and Denny being a sad loser (and of course, people hating Linda but that's par for the course) would have been hours wasted if it wasn't just a matter of keeping my mind distracted while performing menial tasks. That said, it might ultimately be bad for me to listen to this tosh.

'You Gave Me the Answer' is the hot topic where I'm up to at the moment, and it has given me to think a lot about McCartney's sinister attraction to composing music in the vein of 1930s-40s show tunes. I gather 'When I'm 64' was one of the first songs he wrote, so it obviously goes a long way back, and of course as he only got into writing and performing music after his mother's death, it has a certain poignance to it, being about living a long life with your partner, etc. 

I suppose the recording of that song comes next in the history. The next one is 'Your Mother Should Know', then 'Honey Pie', then... um I'm not sure what's next, he kind of got himself together for a while. Those are horrifying though. There are probably some other crimes in there which I've blocked out. It's a horrible tendency, I gather the reputedly grotesque 'Kisses on the Bottom' album is the culmination of all of it, but I haven't heard that record and I also, I can't stand people who judge things without seeing, hearing, knowing them etc. 

I note from the internet that a lot of people think there's a connection between this and Lennon's critique of McCartney's 'granny music' because that's the kind of music 1960s grannies would remember from their youth but I don't think this is 'granny music' exactly, surely that's more just 'easy listening' music, maybe 'My Love' or something like that? Actually I don't know. It was another catchy putdown along the line of 'your granny on bongos'. Just put 'granny' in a critique, everyone hates grannies. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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