Friday, January 17, 2025

eggy at the curtin

I suppose the reason I was thinking about how I used to be in bands was that I was thinking sort of about going to see Eggy at the Curtin this evening, and I did, though I basically just saw the last skerrick of their show and it was too crowded and hot and so on. It was easy to see them from the side of the stage though and wow, that snare. I mean it sounded amazing from where I was standing here. From the back of the room, not that noticeable. Anyway I would like to see them again soon and do it properly. 

BTW Lygon St on a Friday night in Summer is fuckin' mental. That thing of like eight boys in their late teens, some of them look 12, some of them look 17 going on 47, at least one has a moustache that looks like it was pencilled on... hilarious. But you know the gelati is amazeballs. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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