Friday, January 03, 2025

sometimes your prayers are answered

All you have to do is believe and hope and, yes, pray.

For years I've wanted to know more about Margaret Dumont and I have always been distinctively unsatisfied with what I've been able to find, even in a fairly comprehensive wikipedia page. Only a few hours ago I was thinking maybe a retirement project might be deep archival work on her to get the full story, though I also wondered how much of a full story there might really be (after all, she seemed to play her cards pretty close to her chest and also, she had no children which does not mean anything in itself but it does mean there was unlikely to be anyone around after her death in 1965 to maintain her things and speak about her to others). 

All that is how come I was thrilled to discover that this book was published over a year ago:

Yes, of course I instantly ordered a copy. Can't wait to read it. I hope it is satisfying. Kind of annoying that even in this day and age (of course people were saying things of that nature in 1422) there was no way that I could have been told this book was coming out, so I could have read it in 2023, but that's OK really, I'm just pleased it exists. Unless it's terrible, in which case... but I won't waste time worrying about its potential terribleness. It will probably satisfy me. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...