Tuesday, August 06, 2024

hilda scurr again

Well so I ordered the box of Bluey, the 1976 Crawfords show that ran for 39 episodes and gave Lucky Grills the career boost he never could have dreamed of. I have no idea what Lucky Grills was like as a comedian but I sort of imagine him as an Ugly Dave Gray type. He's a good ratbag in Bluey but in a way Bargearse was not a million miles removed from the reality, well, Bluey doesn't eat all the time but he is a slob who doesn't care who he offends. I guess. Well, the show is formulaic (in a way that Homicide, honestly, wasn't and even Special Squad is more varied and surprising) but it has good characters and the sets look good. In a horrendous way. 

Here's Hilda Scurr, once again doing a Crawfords turn, not looking terribly old or anything (I suppose she was only ten years older than when she first started turning up in Homicide) and in fact she'd only been in Homicide the year before.

Of course she dies. That's what old people do on TV, that's what they're for. 

I was moved to wonder about the Crawfords trope where people get badly injured then go to hospital but spend quite a bit of time coming round to dying, long enough to have conversations and decide to confess etc etc. I guess I've just answered the mystery of why this happens, but it's still odd that it happens so much. I suppose it might be - laziness?! Sorry Crawfords I'm mean. 

Meanwhile, I'm killing it on Drops, the new app I'm now learning Finnish on (I still do one or two duolingo lessons a day but I have moved on - Drops has so much more). 

One quibble: I don't think people can meet on their phone, and I do think they can sit on their phone. But apparently I'm wrong:
But really who cares. I'm doing so well! 

I am not sure what this means (the graphic) but I am not going to complain. I am unstoppable. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...