Thursday, August 22, 2024


I have 45 000 photos on my phone, I am not kidding. Actually 46, 546 and 3,909 videos. I am not kidding. I reckon about half of them are of pets doing things or just sitting. 

So that many photos is just stupid, particularly when you consider I do often delete soon after, obviously nowhere near enough lol. But it does mean I can get a good fix on what I was doing on a particular day in the last... however long the photos go back, I don't know, about 2017 I think for some reason. 

So I just thought I'd take a quick look at what I was doing on 21 August 2019 and I guess I was kind of hanging out with Pompey and Chanticleer, who were just children then, at the Albion house which every time I see it in pictures now amazes me at how squalid it really was. That dump was falling apart, shittily. I guess what surprises me more than that fact is the fact that it was only five years ago and so much has changed in that time.  

My life is about 10 000 times better and everything's good. Back then I was such a maudlin cunt. Now I'm not so maudlin. Looks like these boys liked maudlin though. I guess I taught them all their maudlinness. 


Holiday Goddess said...

For some reason I am appearing as our travel book website, Holiday Goddess, David. We're doing some audio music walks in Melbourne and I'm re-reading the fantastic Dig. Glad to have found your blog. Nice cats, if a bit whiskery. Jessica Adams.

David Nichols said...

Lovely, Jessica, thank you!

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...