Saturday, September 16, 2023

saturday night 18 september 2018

I am writing to you from - well, actually, it just turned midnight so 19 September 2018. Tonight I spent a cold but comfortable night at Talmage St Albion doing creative things.  I had asked Alanna if she wanted to go and see Caroline No at Some Velvet Morning tonight but she had something else on.   But I turned it productive, I wrote a song called 'The Acolyte' about Nancy. Actually I wrote the words some months ago and just had them there, they fitted perfectly to the five chords I assembled, I was pretty happy with the result. I also finally got around to properly drawing the picture for Guy Morton's album cover. He'd asked me to do this ages ago and I kept feeling unable to. Part of the weirdness was it was supposed to represent a balloon, however, he wanted the balloon to look like a house. I am still confused about that. Anyway I made a decent start:

It should come together OK, in my opinion. I like the people I assembled, it will be fun colouring them too. 

Nancy is sitting here on the couch with me, she's been in and out all night, I have played some records when I wasn't doing my own music - I played the Touchdown compilation with the Higsons and the Farmers Boys and so on, and a Versus album, and earlier in the day I was playing Small World Experience... Not much else is happening. Got work things to do tomorrow I guess. A confirmation report to read, a report to write on a book proposal from the UK.  

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