Sunday, September 10, 2023

happy fiftieth anniversary boronia mall


Laura and I spent a while there on 27 May and noticed it was soon to have a significant birthday. 

It was much less rundown and drab than we had been led to believe, though it's true some shops were empty. Nevertheless - it's a really amazing place and needs more care and appreciation. May it live on.

Oh, and I (who titled a post on this blog with a reference to a 'right-off' about fifteen years ago and only noticed last week) always like to poke fun at others' typos/poor English/ whatever you want to call it: 

This isn't even an example of that, it's just, I don't know, funny emphasis I suppose. 

It was a Buchan, Laird and Buchan design (they've been featuring a lot in my research lately, though conversely I wouldn't know any of them if they stood up in my cornflakes). The building apparently once had a large sculpture in the foyer which I don't think it does anymore. No mention in the advertising material of who made the tiles or how. I will contact Sunny Bear and see what he has to say and/or whether he has any more of those free giveaways. Btw I didn't know, or had forgotten, Rosemary Morgan had died, shame, she seemed nice. 
11 September 1973 p. 17 passim

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...