Thursday, August 03, 2023

samuel hatty's service medals


Laura found Samuel Hatty's service medals at work, where they were 'among the unloved items we use for school students to handle and learn from'. It gives her sinister coincidence (what the Finns call synkkä yhteensattuma) vibes but I think more likely Samuel himself was something of an unloved item who put his head above the parapet enough to still make a little impact a hundred years later for someone (me) who likes a bit of arcana, but also, he was probably not that cared about after he died so something like this could well end up as a will-I-throw-this-out-or-will-I-see-if-the-Shrine-wants-it situation for his widow or some other relation.

Or perhaps he never picked them up in the first place, which presumably a lot of people didn't?  

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