Monday, August 07, 2023

raiders of the lost etc


Lacking Homicide and having gone all the way through Special Squad I am now randomly watching the shitty old films that my ill-advised subscription to various streaming services allow me. My choices are somewhat driven by the reviews I read/hear of various new iterations of old franchises so, there's a new Indiana Jones film out (I suppose it's not that new - it's like a month old) so I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark, which I guess is one of those films I almost certainly saw when it came out - I was 16 or so, maybe I was a tad too cool but nah probably not - but I remember nothing, absolutely nothing about it, except whatever has been communicated to me via the zeitgeist. I watched this film in bits and pieces over a week or so. Ditto Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation - I watched this shizzle in instalments, barely comprehending the story or perhaps comprehending there is not much of a story, and taking in interesting bits of information along the way, like, that apparently Simon Pegg has been a regular member of the supporting cast in these films for over a decade now, I never knew. 

Anyway what I really want to see is the Barbie film but this pleasure is being denied me. I would also quite like to see the new Mission Impossible film I think. Or maybe I should wait five years. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...