Wednesday, August 02, 2023

exclusive! guy pearce interview!

Not that exclusive actually. It seems like I sent this to Idols, the celebrity photograph agency, on 2 August 1991 to provide editorial to go with photographs of Guy Pearce. I suppose this was the few months of my life when I was trying to be a freelance writer of some description and using the very few contacts I had, mostly via Smash Hits, to achieve that not-very-dear dream. Is this interesting? I can't know. 

I have always liked Guy Pearce so it's nice to have done this, I don't remember doing it at all. It's almost possible that I cobbled this together out of other people's interviews with him but more likely I spent ten minutes with him on the phone and he delivered these goods. This was the time just after Neighbours when he did a quick small role on Home and Away and was also working with the director Frank Howson who was wasting no time at all putting together a bunch of Guy Pearce films, all of which eventually came out to limited success. Heaven Tonight is the one that has a particular fame as a funny 80s (though of course it's 90s) old-pop-star-vs-young-pop-star 'just gotta do my thing' movie. But there were others, Young Flynn came out some years later as Flynn (IMDB lists it as something else entirely - My Forgotten Man if you can believe that!) and if GP actually did write the soundtrack for Friday on my Mind, well... I don't know what to say. 


Perhaps you'll be interested to see what this was all printed out on the back of - it's layouts from Smash Hits at the time, waste paper I guess, probably printed out to be proofed (hence the deletion symbol on the dash below). 

I also really liked Betty Boo and in fact I bought her Boomania LP a few years ago but couldn't play it because it was scratched to bits. Anyway it checks out that Smash Hits would have been getting her to review the singles at this time because she toured Australia in July 1991 and indeed this was the time of the infamous incident where she was revealed to be miming to a record at a Frankston nightclub appearance. Big deal! She was good. Look at the singles she go to review! A lot of well-known artists but I can summon barely any of these tracks to mind, although 'Make Out All Right' is a title I recognise  - that and 'Rush You'. 
Still amazing to think we had pen pals, but at least by this stage (due to a complaint from a parent on entirely justified grounds) we stopped printing our readers' addresses and instead had some poor moderator to filter letters. 

And finally... the page that the printer always created whenever you turned it on. 
Now, having shown you these pages, I'm going to put them in the recycling. 

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