More kvetching myöhempänä ajankohtana!
Sunday, March 26, 2023
duolingo is a dag
More kvetching myöhempänä ajankohtana!
Friday, March 24, 2023
killed it
I have to assume it's bots because nothing else makes sense, but I am so sick of the enormous amount of traffic that one post of mine on this blog has been getting, that I've deleted the fucking thing. This is (was) it:
The link ('I have tried to make sense of it here') is here:
Thursday, March 23, 2023
I am not feeling at all well today (not covid, I finally checked it) and so watched bits of crappy tv etc - yes - a day off really, when it comes down to it. I watched this program that's like a weird special by Fred Armisen, who in the main I've always liked, talking about drums and drumming. It's mainly a stand-up show I guess, and his guests are (ugh) all drummers, which at least means that he doesn't have to explain the various bits of the drums - he's talking to equals, after a fashion, and anyone watching who doesn't know about drums, gets it from context. Up to a point yeah great, that works, it's a bit of a vanity concept but good. But (and bear in mind that I only watched the first ten minutes if that) he is just awkwardly sniping at the wrong people all the time.
He plays a track he says is jazz, I don't recognise the track, and asks the audience to put their hand up at the moment they think 'this is jazz', which I guess means, the moment at which you start being aware of the form rather than the content. Well, of course, fuck that because when someone says 'I'm going to play you an example of jazz, tell me when you start thinking of it as jazz', that's all you think about straight away. Also, the snatch of music barely gets under way - no time to even really imagine what it is or what it means. (Also btw recognising/developing conscious awareness of a categorisation of music you're listening to is not a sign that it's no good. 'I'm going to play you a track, tell me when you think, "this is reggae"').
He makes a joke, the scummiest piece of shit self-centred Americancentric joke imaginable, where he hypothesises going to some concert in another country (he throws out that it might be Italy) and thousands of people are there to see someone he has never heard of, and he wants to tell them that they are excited to see a nobody. That is the joke - that people he has never heard of are no good. I mean FFS. I know I'm sick and I've been to the dentist and been told that I have to have a molar replaced, but that is not funny - it wouldn't be funny even if the point of the story is how stupid the person telling the story is. I have to say that is one form of humour I will never get - where other people know about something the humorist has no knowledge of, and so they are dumb.
I am not a drummer's arsehole, as I've said many times before, even if I did have a dream last night that Guy Blackman asked me to join a band with him, Mick Harvey and Steve Miller (presumably I was playing drums, though Mick Harvey is an excellent, excellent drummer). But I have filled that role in bands before. To the degree I was the drummer it was because no-one else wanted to be, not because I had innate skill. Anyway I won't go on about that. Fred Armisen is a good drummer. But this show is just pissy and sour.
So another middle aged man I liked, Bob Odenkirk. I am half an hour into Lucky Hank. Fuck me. Now, obviously a big part of this program is that the university in question is a middle-of-nowhere, no-particular-value university without any status or resources. I don't work at one of those. Also, it's the USA (again), not a quality place like Australia. It's a literature school, too, and it would seem that it allows parents to come on campus and complain about the staff. But the shizzle about tenure and the pretensions of academe, Hank always being always about to write his second novel, the prattling and gossip and ultrasensitivity of the various overly fragile members of staff, ugh, fuck, I don't know how anyone could agree to be in a garbagey piece of crap like this. It's locked in a yan-and-yin of cliche circling old-hat-on-an-old-hat. It's a satire of tertiary education which makes absolutely no reference to the realities of tertiary education, but to some kind of 1960s sitcom versions of boffins and ratbags and hypersensitive kids. Gah!
So this morning I commented to Laura how annoyed I was (it doesn't take much) that it was going to be 24 degrees again today, mainly because yesterday I had told Perry (because of what the BOM had told me) that there would be no more 24 degree days for many months to come.
I don't know if it will get to 24 today but it'll be a hat on a hat if it does because this morning as I was waiting for the bus it suddenly got extremely dark and good lord, what a downpour. As always photography does not stand up to competition from 1000 words (which unfortunately however I don't really feel that inclined to write) and of course I could have made the above entirely from AI but there are probably other ways to establish that it rained heavily this morning in Melbourne. It was a real drag. Particularly since the bus dropped me off at a stop half way between Cardigan and Lygon on Grattan, a hop skip and a jump from where I was going, but suddenly Lygon St itself was a rushing torrent, to the extent that I crossed it almost all the way and then turned back right at the gutter because it was so deep and wide it looked - if not dangerous, let's say, like I'd get my feet wet.
On top of all this - I was going to the dentist. Buh-bow. Or, sad trombone. The news that I have a fractured molar which was going to have to be extracted at some point soon kind of puts the above into perspective. Still processing that.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
homicide - crime against nature
So the murder's solved reasonably easily - the murderers were a big bunch of teenagers, and the weak link in the chain (I don't think we see any more than one of the teenagers actually) was inculcated into hating gay men by his father, who is a weaselly English migrant.
What's more interesting IMO is the various opinions put forward about gays in the episode. Lawson (Bud Tingwell) at one point tells Paul Karo's character (Ernst Brenner) that he enforces the law as it stands and he doesn't need to know if any law was broken, which comes fairly close to saying that he doesn't think the law is right, or perhaps I'm being too kind. There's not a lot of in-depth discussion of homosexuals or what they do, beyond when Lawson confronts Brenner with some love letters he had written to the victim.*
Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention but there is a weird sub plot (?) where some young kids on the estate, one of whom is the younger brother of the boy who is ultimately found guilty of the murder, are bullying another kid. That seems to go nowhere except when the bullied boy vandalises a police car and Lawson loses his temper and tells other Ds to find the child who did it. I don't know if they do. I got lost.
*That Brenner had written, obviously, not Lawson. Keep up.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
trip to europe a month ago - helsinki
Today was Laura's first full complete day in Helsinki (well, I'm writing this at 6:30 at night on the 17th of February so perhaps I shouldn't presume). Anyway we walked around Käpyla, which is always beautiful, saw a squirrel, they are renovating the houses for better or worse. Then we went on a long walk to Fresh Garbage records and I bought a Thick Pigeon album, a Liikkuvat Lapset album and a few others, and scored a Gilbert O'Sullivan album and a Finnish christmas record out of the free bin, I asked the guy behind the counter how much a cloth Fresh Garbage bag was and he said 'you have spent so much here today you may have it for free'. Score!
Then we went to Picnic and ate some food, then we try and figure out the public transport, which was troublesome, and it transpired - apparently - that while we have the app ok it won't accept our credit cards - boo! We got some tangible tickets instead. Then we went to the National Museum of Finland. It was free on Friday afternoons (we initially thought free for two hours but actually only an hour - but that's OK we got the good bits out of it).
Friday, March 17, 2023
trip to europe last month - goodbye kuopio (again), hello helsinki
This is nothing, just an interesting looking asian cafe. It was open.
Laura had noted how few cats we had seen on our journey - like, about four. None of them outside. Until this one, which I saw and she didn't. It was a happy story because I got to see a cat but also its owner was just arriving home when I photographed him/her.
Kuopio apartments.
Intriguing graffiti at Kuopio station.
We had a four and a half hour journey Kuopio-Helsinki then got a taxi to our accommodation, not much has happened since then, maybe tomorrow huh.
Thursday, March 16, 2023
trip to europe, a month ago - goodbye kuopio
Today was (is) our last full day in Kuopio, after which we spend a lot of time on a train to Helsinki tomorrow and then leave to return to Melbourne on Sunday. I realise my account of activities has trailed off a little in the last few days but really the intention has been to just chill in a town - for a few days - and that's what we have done - it worked.
I bought a bit of tat here and there and some probably awful LPs as well, additionally some possibly great ones. Although I did buy some non-Finnish LPs in Germany (because like they don't have them there much) like the Family Fodder greatest hits, which is something I have long wanted to own, I basically bought Finnish records here. But I don't really know what I'm doing.
I also bought a few silly old magazines, etc just for fun. Also perhaps to help me learn Finnish a bit, though I am not entirely sure how to best facilitate that - do I sit there with a dictionary and piece it all together? That won't help me get the grammar, surely. It might help me remember words, slowly.
Anyway, the last couple of days I have walked around Kuopio quite a bit, I'd like to see it when the lakes are not so frozen, which they are right now, completely.
At the cultural history museum today we saw a 1943 film (no sound, oddly - probably had a soundtrack talking about how great Hitler was) of a boat trip I think to Kuopio which ended with a shot of the market square, which answered a question for me, sort of, about whether the market building which is at an odd angle to the town hall at the other end of the square, was ever part of a complex of other buildings. The answer is - sort of, there was another building there, but it was always (or at least since 1943) just exposing its flank to the square. It's a weird arrangement.
Speaking of flank exposure the Finns used to, and perhaps still do, love images of themselves naked doing extraordinary nation-building/mythological things. Here's one from the museum which is btw the third oldest museum in Finland.
Monday, March 13, 2023
doesn't matter at all
In the episode of Homicide titled 'Born Loser' (first aired 13 March 1973) we are told that the Ds are going to the business address of Arthur Phillips, '59 Garden St, Yarraville'. I don't know where they are going, but it's obviously 133 Someroadorother St, also, Philips is spelt / punctuated wrong. This was (unsurprisingly) a real smash repairs etc place - the Age has numerous classifieds for various cars at this phone number through the 60s, 70s and 80s (see last listing in the lower image) - but there's no business name (or even suburb) given, so who knows what or where it really was. But it doesn't matter at all!
trip to europe a month ago
Finnish television is completely terrible in almost every way imaginable. Well, I suppose I don’t mind Simpsonit (I’m surprised to realise how much of the first few seasons are completely lodged in my brain) but ffs, I said to Laura this morning I was going to watch an episode of Simpsonit and just turned on Star TV (channel 12) and there was… an episode of Simpsonit (well, actually about five minutes of the same three ads they show on that station, but essentially yes, that was the next thing that came on). It’s actually quite depressing. Most of the locally made shows as far as I can tell are idiotic game shows, etc it’s pathetic. That said, if they do have local drama or something I wouldn’t know where to find it or even necessarily recognise it, so I should probably shut up.
This afternoon I walked into central Kuopio to see what I could see. Most things were closed, I went to this ‘flea market’ which had a lot of crummy things and possibly some great things but I was not in the mood. Amazing how Moomin stuff gets such a guernsey here – I was surprised to find a Moominpappa mug which I have two of (why?!) was on sale for (I nearly wrote ‘was worth’) 26 euro.
Sunday, March 12, 2023
homicide - otto
Thursday, March 09, 2023
too weird
trip to europe (a month ago) jyväskylä
I remember we spent some time at a station waiting for a train which was, oh my god, about seven minutes late but I can't remember where the station was, only that this was the only interesting thing to look at there.
These beautiful dogs were in a really nice cafe called Beans&More. They sleep up the back most of the time it would seem but then they come sadly down to tables when new people come into the cafe and try to make friends. And succeed I should add.The images below are from when we went on a walk around Jyväsjärvi, which is the lake on the banks of which Jyväskylä sits. These ducks were having the time of their lives in actual running water that was not a million miles from a factory which kind of suggests that the water was warmer than freezing and coming out of the factory but I'm pretty sure it wasn't, like, toilet water.
Wednesday, March 08, 2023
trip to europe (a month ago)
Sometimes when I upload a bunch of images they upload in the reverse order, I have no idea why. But this is how we ended our day in Jyskävylä, by playing this game, which has a special name in Finland which I can't remember offhand but which means 'swaying tower', and which Laura knows as Jenga. I'd never played it, or at least I don't remember doing so. I was so tired by the end of this day (in fact, I am virtually comatose at the end of every day) that it was a special effort on her part I think to make me stay awake long enough to not be in danger of waking up at 4am (which I do most days anyway).
The activities room at the craft museum. We didn't do any activities.
Waterfront property.
Laura looked up this story. The first air fatality in Finland I think. A Swedish noble donated a plane and be careful of Swedish nobles bearing gifts is all I can say.
We are too scared to walk on the ice.
Closed amusement park, unless you're a bird in which case you find your amusement where you can.
Tampere is full of amazing apparently unpolluting industry just sitting around in-between the apartments and the shops, I love it.
Goodbye Tampere until next time.
d4 the toffee apple man
27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...
As a child, naturally enough, I watched a lot of television and it being the early 1970s when I was a child, I watched a lot of what is no...