Friday, March 17, 2023

trip to europe last month - goodbye kuopio (again), hello helsinki

16 February - so - this is an odd thing I saw yesterday:
I don't know what it was, but I'll tell you what it looked like - a bunch of police, some with guns, at a door to a home in Kuopio. No voices were raised, they all went inside. 
This is nothing, just an interesting looking asian cafe. It was open. 
Laura had noted how few cats we had seen on our journey - like, about four. None of them outside. Until this one, which I saw and she didn't. It was a happy story because I got to see a cat but also its owner was just arriving home when I photographed him/her. 
Kuopio apartments. 
Intriguing graffiti at Kuopio station. 

We had a four and a half hour journey Kuopio-Helsinki then got a taxi to our accommodation, not much has happened since then, maybe tomorrow huh. 

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