Wednesday, March 08, 2023

trip to europe (a month ago)

Sometimes when I upload a bunch of images they upload in the reverse order, I have no idea why. But this is how we ended our day in Jyskävylä, by playing this game, which has a special name in Finland which I can't remember offhand but which means 'swaying tower', and which Laura knows as Jenga. I'd never played it, or at least I don't remember doing so. I was so tired by the end of this day (in fact, I am virtually comatose at the end of every day) that it was a special effort on her part I think to make me stay awake long enough to not be in danger of waking up at 4am (which I do most days anyway). 

The activities room at the craft museum. We didn't do any activities. 

I just enjoyed someone's way of signing the guest book, that's all. Maybe when Nanna Känninen is accused of a crime and says but I was in Jyväskylä and I can prove it, I signed the guest book at the craft museum, and they say well that page has been torn out so there is no proof, this picture can be proof. 

This is earlier in the day, of course, in Tampere, a big intersection and a weird rocket or ventilation tower or something. 
Waterfront property. 
Laura looked up this story. The first air fatality in Finland I think. A Swedish noble donated a plane and be careful of Swedish nobles bearing gifts is all I can say. 
We are too scared to walk on the ice. 
Closed amusement park, unless you're a bird in which case you find your amusement where you can. 
Tampere is full of amazing apparently unpolluting industry just sitting around in-between the apartments and the shops, I love it. 
Goodbye Tampere until next time. 

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