Sunday, March 26, 2023

duolingo is a dag

I have been on Duolingo's Finnish course for over 200 days straight now, obviously (?) I know more Finnish every day than than I did the day before, but I don't expect to ever 'get there'. I'm at the stage where I can see Finnish words on TV or hear them in songs and recognise them as words I 'know' but it takes me an age to work out/recall what they actually are. 

Anyway whoever created Duolingo is crafty and I take my hat off to them. The ideal way to create an illusion of progress by what are essentially word games (nine times out of ten, it's at least as much 'what sentence can you make from these English words' as it is 'translate this sentence'). Anyway I am not opposed to it obviously, and I keep doing it, as frustrating as it often is. 

Today I got onto discussion of the internet. I initially got the below wrong because I didn't put a 'The' in front of 'Net', because I assumed the capital N must have meant it was OK to start the sentence with 'Net' though that also seemed a bit ridic. 
When did you last see the word 'Net' used for 'internet' and when did you last see it capitalised?! 

Also, what do you make of this one:

I mean, great question, right?! I think the answer is 'no'. Or, perhaps, 'No'. So then we got into the product placement, and we learnt the Finnish word for 'Duolingo' - always useful. 

Finally, we got to the heart of the situation: a complaint we have all had at some point. Can you believe I got stuck on the difference between 'even though' and 'although', and to be honest, I am still not really sure what that difference is. 

More kvetching myöhempänä ajankohtana! 

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