Thursday, July 21, 2022

three irritations

Public Records Office today: (1) a man who was apparently unaware that his phone was on speaker. I said to the guy behind the counter, 'is someone in here talking really loudly with their phone on speaker?' and he said 'Yes. Libraries are changing'. (2) some old bitch yelling at the top of her not insubstantial voice all the details of her parents, where they lived, what they did, spelling every name out loud. I couldn't tell whether she was trying to explain something to a staff member, talking on the phone, or talking to herself. 

SLV: (3) I thought some young fool was listening to a lecture or something on a portable speaker but then I discovered she was just tolerating the noise of another young fool on the other side of the partition listening to his own voice speaking on a video he was watching on a screen ... or was it his twin I don't know what was going on! All I know is it was in a library, which is a place where people go to read and reading is hard and we shouldn't have to be distracted by people's fuckuppery! 

To calm us all down here are some images from the 1962 RIBA Journal I was looking at (OR TRYING TO)

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...