Monday, July 18, 2022

mildura 14-17 july

Wandering to the shops last night for cat food I saw a sunset and a big ugly building. As always, the sunset looked a whole lot more exciting IRL than in this photograph. But this is at least proof there was one. 

Today I am going to Mildura for the Writer's Festival, I will be on a panel, it will be an experience. 
Later Thursday:

I am sinisterly attracted to the country/ regions for some reason, but I am also hotly resentful and always on guard when I am there. I feel like I got to Mildura early - when we were on the bus that took us to the aircraft at Tullamarine, and some guy on his phone had to stop in the doorway of the bus to finish his phone call holding up everyone else who was trying to disembark. It's so unfair to feel that way but he was a dick and he was going to Mildura, you know. 

I got a taxi into town with four other people, don't ask me how, they said I could pile in if I wanted. They were only in Mildura for three hours (!). One of them was English I gather. I sat next to him in the back and he was kind of immobile and unyielding, you know, usually you yield a bit when you sit next to a stranger, I did, but he was English. 

Now I am in my accommodation and I appreciate why they didn't give me details of the address until the last minute, it was only because I'd then look it up on google map and go 'nuh-uh'. But really it's fine. I mean if I had to live here the rest of my life I might not be so pleased but for a few days, sure. It'll be fun, like camping out, right? Right? 

Saturday morning feelz:

So, yesterday was quite extraordinary really (so was Thursday night) in terms of the remarkable networks I established (?) and people I spoke to who - I'll give you one example just to show you how crazy so many things were - I sat next to someone at the concert last night and made a stupid small-talk comment about how the stage set up (mainly, the many guitars) reminded me of a school concert, and she replied that she had managed school concerts, professionally, for twenty years. I said you must have thought I was trolling you or something with that comment. She said yes that did occur to me. 

There were other stranger things but I don't want to go into it deeply as it would be betraying confidences. 

What I will say is that while I was slightly confused about why I was here, it doesn't matter, it has been an entirely positive experience really, even the silly bits, the annoying bits. I am very, very positive about the Mildura Writer's Festival!

I'm about to go out into the Mildura morning and visit the market, I'll get back to you about the next bits, they haven't happened yet. 

Saturday afternoon:

The market was totally a food market, with mainly fruit, dried fruit, bread etc - really nice for locals and a nice thing to visit but I only bought some dried peaches and apricots. When I say 'only' - I like those things. This seems to be the only picture I took there, and really I was just photographing the beautiful big white dog in the middle. 

Do you like pelicans? Because then I went to the river and sat down and looked at pelicans for a while, though the sun on the water was pretty dazzling.

Then a quick visit to Junkie Paradise

This building (above) also has 'fuck 2020' written on its side. The building below is just a cool looking house. 
As is this
as is this
Today's sessions were great, but really made me appreciate I don't have the fucking stamina and to be fair I never did. But if I haven't already said so - I totally endorse the Mildura Writer's Festival.  

Sunday morning
That said, I will be pleased to get out of here. Last night I didn't drink a drop but this morning I feel hungover with a velvet fog voice to match. There is one more event to attend and thence to the airport. I am slightly nervous about getting the taxi I need to the airport but otherwise I'm ready to gthooh. Not because I don't really like it, I do, I just feel completely overstimulated, I need to lie in a dark room for a day! 

(Later: I didn't quite do that but I did wind down appropriately)

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