Sunday, July 10, 2022

did everything i set out to do

Essentially, I wrote 2500 words today, on two different projects - a book chapter and a conference paper - though 'wrote' is possibly the wrong word - 'assembled' might be better. I added in these words and made them make sense in the right order, more or less. I hope that's good enough. By the way, the day's not over yet so who knows. I watched an episode of Homicide called 'Love is a Silver Chain' which has this great shot of a woodyard entrance - with Briquette ads/signs:

This is yet another Jacki Weaver episode. This time around she plays a fairly dippy marijuana addict called Peta. 

As you can see she is not happy to see the police. 
So there are scenes here where the murderer (that's not a spoiler, he does the murder before the opening credits) plays with his band in a club called I think the Love-In or something like that. 

I am sorry to report that the band, not sure if we're told their name, play so quietly in the club it's difficult to tell for a while that they are actually meant to be playing. And perhaps they're miming. It's really not clear. 

That's George Mallaby there I think on the left about to quiz Peta about her... I can't remember. I wasn't terribly engaged with this whole thing, to be frank with you. 
Then I watched another one where a girl gets murdered in the first two minutes and I'm just like... nah. So I put in the codes to persuade my newish tv that I actually do have a Stan account, an iView account and an SBS catch up or whatever it's called account, and still none of them had anything to watch. THERE IS NOTHING. Oh, wait, there's Phoenix. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...