Saturday, April 16, 2022

woolworths balaclava, texas milk bar, killed by death

For no special reason I decided today that I really wanted to get some Eskal dill pickles. Laura alerted me to a Jewish food in Australia site with Melbourne details and I could see a delightful day exploring these places but dithered until 1ish and instead jfgi'd the brand (which Woolworths everywhere used to stock but no longer do) to discover that Woolworths Balaclava had them and that seemed good enough for me. What I didn't entirely appreciate, or what perhaps wasn't explained on the Woolworths website, is that they only had them in 3kg cans. Well look having spent an hour getting there, it seemed silly not to get some. They're very good pickles, probably my favourite type. 
Out in Carlisle street (the 'street where I was born', or at least, my first address, although more at the St Kilda end than the Balaclava part) I saw this sign and I wondered about it. I have yet to find any information about the Texas Milk Bar but I want to put it on the list of things to find out more about. I think this is 294 Carlisle St but the internet is giving me conflicting information so possibly I just have no idea what I am talking about. The building itself is I guess nondescript and past newspaper mentions of 294 Carlisle St have been pretty mundane - a piano for sale, etc. 
This is the most interesting one. What I wouldn't give to go back in a time machine and look in an op shop from 1956!!! This mention is from the Australian Jewish News 5 September 1956:

After leaving Balaclava I went to Greville Records and bought a bit of stuff. This record, which I occasionally notice, intrigues me yet again, not because I'm dying to hear/own it but because I am pretty sure that heading - title - whatever you want to call it, is by me, from a comic strip I did probably thirty years ago, but which I can't necessarily completely remember. I took a photograph of it and put it here in case I come across something to compare it with. 

The 'Ds' look like mine. I think I did once draw a comic with that resoundingly stupid name, too, but I can't 100% say for sure. I'm not claiming to have drawn the image. Anyway, you can't say it's not interesting but it's probably only interesting to me. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...