Friday, April 08, 2022


I had a mess up with my owners corporation fees (or they messed up by sending two invoices a month apart - whatever) so I am running on empty a bit $$ wise this fortnight but I will of course survive, but some records I bought in probably February showed up today, which was nice, from Germany. Fairly cheap and a few interestings and a couple of how could it go wrongs and then an old favourite, repurchased. 

I bought Shanks' 1989 album Masterbait because it was a Mayo Thompson production - quite possibly the last record he produced (to date) aside from his own records. OK so I know you want to know what I think of it, since you have certainly not been able to find out what anyone else thinks of it in English anywhere on the www. Well, first of all, I am not sure that I would really be of the opinion that MT had a distinctive production style anyway, though (contrary to what was sometimes said about that Chills album which is a fine piece of work all round) he is a good, clear, straight down the line record producer, IMO. Shanks appear to be in some way in the world of Furtips, another Dutch band of the 80s+ who I enjoy very much. I have a feeling that the Shanks album and its very wearying title (hey, Dutch people, I don't come to your language and make puns about it) is probably for another day, when I am not quite so harrowed by the week, which has been tougher than most. 

I'll tell you about the other records in due season. I'm listening to this one now.

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d4 the toffee apple man

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