Sunday, April 17, 2022

wash, rinse, delete

...or perhaps wince, delete I don't know. 
I have just gone back in time ten years deleting 5000+ emails most of them junk from my first, largely now ignored, gmail account. As I have explained here before, I set up this blog using that email account and as far as I understand it that is not transferable - i.e. I will have to keep that email account forever, if I want to keep this blog going. But that doesn't explain the current weird problem which is that after an update a month or so ago my computer has decided that that old email address is what I want when I select gmail. It isn't. But it always comes up as the default, until I log out and select the tab that takes you to other possible gmail addresses - including the newer one, incidentally labelled 'default'. 
So I keep landing on my old address and seeing thousands of random junk emails so this evening, as a palate cleanser between marking first year students' work, I decided I'd delete some. This turned into a bit of a campaign and I got rid of many. There were quite a lot of emails from old friends in there who hadn't realised they were writing to an old address, and possibly wondered why I had ignored them, but they are all people I still know/consider friends, so it can't have been that much of a disaster. Although that said I didn't read them all, just skimmed. There were messages and/or relics from people who have since died (by 'relics' I mean there was a time, seemingly now passed, when every time a fb friend launched a campaign or petition or something, you'd get a gmail notification of it; so one person in particular whose funeral I was remembering only last week, was heavy on the campaigns in or around 2014 or so. That's just one example there were a few. And a lot of people as well who I don't talk to anymore and am pleased that's the case... 

Apropos of nothing except it's Sunday night, I'm kind of mentally bereft after marking student work, it feels like voices in my head, here are a few more old drawing bits and bobs from various times:

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...