Saturday, April 30, 2022

continuing adventures of covid brain

I don't know if there's a point at which I have to say it's not covid brain it's just my regular brain, but who knows. On Tuesday we saw the Love in Bright Landscapes film and I saw someone I knew, who happened to have a double-barrelled last name. And I know I was weird talking to him (I apologised later and he didn't deny it!) but it was entirely because I started wondering which order the names came in. It was kind of floating in the air like the words on silk or whatever it is in Breakfast of Champions where I think the words say Goodbye Blue Monday but my experience was more like, 'is it Goodbye Monday Blue or Goodbye Blue Monday'? 

This morning I was supposed to go on RRR with Carmelina in a crossover where she would start at 2, I would get there at 3, we would do two hours together and she would leave at 5. Instead, I 'set' my alarm but I didn't - I changed the time to 2am but I didn't turn it on. So I woke up at 4. 

On the way to RRR I was like shit! I forgot my glasses. I remembered I had some reading glasses in the car for just such an eventuality and I used those. Later, I discovered I hadn't forgotten my glasses. They were on the passenger seat. 

What next!? Oh, and I might be getting a dog. Will decide tomorrow.*

* Update. I decided yes but the universe said no (the owner, who was reluctant to part with the dog but had health issues, got an offer that would allow her more of a guarantee to maintain access. I think it's a better outcome. They were pretty bonded). 

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