Saturday, November 13, 2021

the new breed of comic readers of 1967

Also while cleaning up I found two or three copies of Wham! from, yeah, 1967. I had absolutely no memory of owning these and I have entirely no idea where they came from. I was too young to buy them in 1967 - I must have bought them this century somewhere, but they don't have a big fat 21st century pricetag on them. It's a mystery. Maybe they were a present - ? 

There's a lot of interest here but I am too busy right now to do any kind of close read (sorry fans). I will just say that about half of the comic seems to be drawn by Leo Baxendale, though of that half I imagine some of it was inked by someone else so most of it is Baxendalesque (and why not - he was surely the most popular British comic artist of the 60s). The Tiddlers are (duh) obviously the Bash Street Kids with the unusual extra element of a reader being a special guest star:

How excellent is that. I guess Timothy Maggs of Monmouthshire is in his late 60s now assuming he is still with us and probably doesn't think every day about how he was once on the cover of Wham! 

I'll revisit Wham! again sometime soon, or update this post, whatever. Oh, one weird thing that I just want to mention - the cover of Wham! is the only full colour part of the comic, and even the back cover is monochrome (blue and white). How weird is that. Surely it wouldn't cost them anything more to at least make the back cover colour?! 

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