Friday, November 26, 2021

beatles get back #1

Have to get into the day so won't spend forever writing about this but I have to say that if anything the first episode of this Peter Jackson spectacular seems pretty much to accurately reflect everything everyone has ever said about the actual experience. It additionally reminded me of how boring it can be rehearsing and/or writing music, although when I've been involved in that in a group scenario I certainly never felt the weight of the entire world's expectations on me as well.*

George's constant rambling which the others can barely be polite about is true to the band experience as well. There's always someone doing a self-interested commentary on proceedings, not just at band things, I mean it's human nature. The guy playing George is great, I hope to see him in more things.

As Alexis Petridis said in the Guardian today, after all that stuff people have said about Yoko over the years, you just have to admire her fucking patience during that week. And seriously considering she's a better artist than 9/10 of the tossers in that room I am amazed she didn't just walk out or at least just go and do her thing. For crying out loud. 

That said, viewing this schemozzle 50+ years later, we have the luxury (if you can call it that) of hearing them play 'Don't Let Me Down', a rubbish song in and of itself, a hundred times over, badly, and thinking 'god it's so obvious, why can't you get it right?' but I suppose it's that 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration thing. I certainly feel like I've been given insight into a process, a process in this instance of polishing a really worked-over turd (btw the story in the Get Back book is that George was constipated throughout, not sure the talking cure was ever going to work though).  

*TBF much more boring watching it than doing it. 

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