Saturday, November 13, 2021

sentimental jamboree #2

A few more interesting bits and pieces:

I don't recall at all what I did this for, though I am pretty certain there was never any music of any sort to go with it. There were quite a few stories about Winky as singer in the band Long Pig. I think there was also a boofy boy bass player in those stories, or maybe a male drummer to replace Melissa. I'm a researcher on my own long-lost output lol. 
I do not know what I was driving at here but I note that Winky in the first frame is taking the same attitude as I take to beer. It hasn't happened yet. I have no recollection of whether 'shit-lipped' was a term I heard or whether I just made it up. It's in the Urban Dictionary and ostensibly either means someone who 'talks shit', someone who likes shit around their mouth, or a practical joke on someone who's passed out. In every way, classy. 
In a manner of speaking, the Winky world was one of eternal possibility, and I think I did conceive of one strip where he was much older, had children and stuff, how much of it I got into I don't remember. But Fastidious Frog was a much more enjoyable character to work with. This is a page that I drew and then rejected a redrew later, I think, because the last frame was rubbish (the wheel for instance). I don't seem to have any other FF things to hand. But, you know, if Winky wrote himself, Fastidious Frog was beyond that. I could sit around extrapolating FF stories all day. One good thing about him was he talked all the time so you didn't have to spend time trying to figure out drawing stuff, you could just put his head in the corner and fill the frame with his speech/thoughts. This is not an example of that but just take my word for it. 

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