Monday, September 06, 2021

winding down

I woke up at 5:20 or thereabouts, initially almost able to go back to sleep, but Nancy heard me talking to Helmi so came into the room to hassle for breakfast, leading Helmi to a hissing/growling situation (that part of your mind where you are back a billion years ago on the savannah, it just starts to get you going when you hear the big cats in action) so I fed Nancy then went and had my coffee and toast, I by the way have made the best bread I have ever made, only yesterday, it was a mix of about 1/5 organic rye and 4/5 that italian cake flour, a very sticky dough which I actually considered quite unpromising, now I will seek unsuccessfully to replicate it many more times until I fail enough I start forgetting why I was doing it. But I suppose cakiness is the key.

Yesterday I foolishly put a tissue in the washing. I don't know why, I just did! I felt like it. So I had then (or, then had) to wash the washing twice more to try and get the shredded tissue off it. It didn't really work. Then I discovered that drying the clothes in the dryer did. You know, in grandma's day, by which I mean, great-great-grandma's day, well, there weren't tissues anyway, but you did have much less opportunity to process your clothes etc with machinery, didn't you. Apparently, yes you did. I am glad I wasn't alive then, as it sucked. Anyway the dryer is great but really I should only use it for partially dried outside clothes as if they go in wet big globs of water form on the ceiling, which is unpleasant, it's like a sauna in there. I can't let that happen so I guess the next time I decide to drop a tissue in with the clothes maybe I'll remember all the interesting activities that follow and how it gave me a chance to explore my world and consider how my activities are just a little nub of many millions of nubs tethered to a great pulsating economic-scientific miracle. 

This morning I also wrote a new tune in GarageBand with my guitar. I haven't changed the strings on the guitar for about 3 years. I have some strings somewhere but I am scared to change them in case I can't, although I suppose I know people who know how to tune guitars and if/when I fuck it up I can get them to fix it for me. Or, perhaps I won't fuck it up, I don't know. I don't fuck everything up but I find it helps to have low expectations e.g. high expectations of my ability to fuck things up. Little things. The tune was not terrible - I know that in a day or two if I listen back I will be like did I do that? How?! but like most of them it was just two parts with no extra variety - actually one version I did go off on a tangent towards the end and it sounded shit and so did the bit where I tried to come back into the original 'verse'. So, big mistake, learned my lesson there. 

So that was Monday morning. I have a meeting in 1 hour, 17 minutes (at which I have to give a short presentation I have only really half done) and after that I suspect I will be on low energy for the rest of the day, perhaps the rest of the week even, we'll see. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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